Loosing Roy

2 years ago today my life changed forever.

I lost my Rock.  My Rockin’ RoyHe took care of me.  He took care of all of us.

Now I take care of myself and all of us.

It has not been easy.

I’d be lying if I did not admit it.

I do what I have to do to get by.

I still go on trips for fun.

Or I should say WE still go on trips for fun.

Getting out helps us snap out of it.

I try to do away with the loneliness.

Or it will eat me up.I  have to remember that the fun in life is always there waiting to be had.

Love is always around if you look for it.

You have to find love to get you by when your heart still wants to hurt.

I kept that pot of love staring me in the face.

Because it is what my soul needed.

I have to do things to help me cope….life is not what it used to be.At first the sadness was unbearable.

But as time goes by the sadness goes too.

Thank goodness.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned by loosing Roy is gratefulness.

How lucky was I to have a man who helped me reach my fullest potential! How grateful I am for the fond memories.The togetherness.

I am not alone now.

I have beauty all around me.

My life is transforming.

I have a new life in my life.

I have a new mother.

I have a beautiful brave son and a new uncle.I’m a Grandma!

In loosing Roy I lost but I also gained.

There is too much to be grateful for in this life to let sadness and resentment rule the day.

We will all die some day.

Make sure you complete your bucket list.

And catch every bit of love, fun and fish before the sun goes down.


       of Roy Alan Danehy. 7-2-57  to 12-12-15

     Forever in my heart.    Forever in all our hearts.


33 thoughts on “Loosing Roy

  1. What a beautiful tribute to Roy. You’re right about being grateful to have had him in your life; some people are never lucky enough to find what you and Roy had. I don’t know how I’d cope without my other half either. You’re a strong woman with an amazing life and now a beautiful grandchild. Congratulations! I enjoyed this beautiful post. XO


  2. This is a very sweet remembrance of your Rockin’ Roy. Time does make it easier, but it makes the memories of the good days much better … and a few smiles to warm the heart.

    Sorry I haven’t come around to read more often. A lot of family busy and fun.

    Stay well, Jo.


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